Summer Greetings from Samaritan Care! It’s June! I was curious to see what June’s claim to fame was. In my searching I found that June is a very special month for many things. June is Dairy month, which is pretty significant in Wayne County with this being a large farming community. June is also Accordion Awareness Month, Migraine Awareness Month, Surf Music Month and Safety Month. While the first three in that list are interesting, especially the Accordion Awareness Month, what catches my eye is Safety Month.
In the world of EMS we know June as “The Start of Trauma Season” Month. The weather gets nice, the kids are out of school and people are out and about doing all kinds of fun things. This is a recipe for accidents to happen. With that in mind, we should all take a moment to remember some simple steps to stay safe.
When working or doing outside activities stay hydrated (caffeinated drinks will not keep you hydrated), wear sun screen and if you get tired, rest. Don’t do strenuous outdoor work during the hottest part of the day (from about 11am-2pm). Wear a helmet when riding a bike or rollerblading. When going for a leisurely summer drive, make sure to account for the sun’s glare and keep an eye out for bike riders or other pedestrians on the road. There are tons of other ways to stay safe!
Make June your own personal safety month! Happy Summer!