National EMS Week is May 19-25, 2013. This is a time to say thank you to EMS providers. It’s kind of a big deal because otherwise, this is kind of a thankless profession. This isn’t a career you get into to get rich, or get recognition. It’s a career you get into because you love it!
EMS providers come in many shapes and sizes and types. They may be volunteers, private EMS, or career people, but they all have one thing in common. The desire to help other people.
If you get a chance this week, say thank you. It doesn’t have to be just to an EMS provider, it can be to a Fire Fighter, Dispatcher, Police Officer, Health Care Provider, Teacher, or anyone who helps others. In EMS , we just happen to get a whole week dedicated to us, which I think evens out, since we dedicate our lives to others.
Happy EMS Week!